lifelong dream

Yesterday I achieved my lifelong dream of making people laugh by falling through a whole bunch of metal chairs. I was at a callback. And it was appropriate for the scene. It was fantastic. I’ve always wanted to do that. I have done so much physical comedy in my life but never falling through chairs like that. So even if I am not cast in that play, at least I have a personal win.

I love comedy and I’ve spent the last two years (or maybe a little more) making sketch comedy on film and creating character comedy and performing live clown. I hesitate to call myself “a comedian” even though it is clearly part of what I am. Identity labels are so weird for me, especially professional. “Comedian” seems to imply stand-up. And I tried stand-up and I kind of hate doing it. I don’t even always like watching it. I love absurd, colorful, escapist fantasy worlds and bizarre experiences.