back to my roots

i've been getting back to my roots lately. so much of my work over the past few years has been about structuring and buttoning things into new shapes. the roots of what i do are very feral and i am, underneath everything, a wild creature.

I think I came to art because art lets you decide which shapes to make. On paper, with voice, through instruments--the artist is making shapes. My main instrument is body/voice and part of my gender experience is the experience of that body-voice as an extremely abstract thing.

I've always been more comfortable in the abstract, in the receptive state. I think that's why it's hard for me to finish endeavors like writing or recording and why many of my film projects take so long. I'm a receptive creature at my core, really built for live audiences, I experience it as vessel.

I take a lot of joy in the care and keeping and training of the vessel and then the entry into the ritual space of stage as a service of the present moment. it is extremely abstract, i have a natural willingness to let moments inform me without my overly heady stamp of ideas.

I love work that allows me to project onto it and I hope people project their dreams and ideas onto my work because I feel like the purest form of art is a conversation of projections. I never want to tell anyone what to think or feel. That's never my aim. I want to enter a dream with people.

And then we can both wake up and decide what the dream meant to us. Or not decide. Just let it sit as ephemeral experience, never to be replicated. And whether the work is discussed or not is irrelevant. We both entered the dream together and walked in a strange world.